SOOP Community Guidelines



Detailed Explanation


Violence & Criminal Activities

1) Any violent behavior that could cause harm to people, animals, or property.
2) Acts that incite violence or encourage criminal activities.

Hate Speech & Activities

1) Speech or actions that discriminate against specific religions, regions, races, genders, ages, or social statuses.
2) Speech or actions that attack or humiliate disabilities or illnesses.
3) Speech or actions that discriminate against sexual orientations and values.

Sexual Exploitation & Abuse

1) Sexual exploitation and abuse such as physical or emotional abuse.
2) Acts that incite or commit sexual assault and exploitation.
3) Creating or sharing private images through manipulation or "deepfake".
4) Engaging in games or services involving sexual exploitation and abuse.

Harassment & Bullying

1) Acts of collectively harassing users.
2) Publicly harassing or bullying other users through live streams.
3) Encouraging mental attacks through chats or comments.

Sharing Information 

1) Sharing personal information or personally identifiable information of others.
2) Disclosing restricted information without the owner's permission.

Dangerous Behaviors

1) Encouraging or engaging in risky behaviors that could cause injury or death.

External Actions

1) Convictions of serious crimes or severe violence/hate speech and actions.

2) If it is reasonably determined that there are actions that cause harm or inconvenience to SOOP users, affiliates, or employees.

3) If there is reasonable suspicion of providing content that does not conform to SOOP's policies.

Youth Protection

1) Grooming, sexual exploitation, and harassment targeting minors.
2) Content or activities that could be harmful to minors.
3) Exposing minors' bodies.

Sensitive Content

Violent & Cruel Content

1) Content containing excessive violence or bloody scenes.
2) Services or game content repeatedly displaying unpleasant scenes such as death, mutilation, and blood without separate age restrictions.

Sexual Activities & Services

1) Content that focuses on or reveals the chest, buttocks, or pelvic area.
2) Implied sexual acts, fetishistic poses, or descriptions.
3) Explicitly discussing sexual activities.
4) Acts of sexual activity (sex, prostitution, sexual services).

Suicide & Self-Harm

1) Showing or encouraging suicide or self-harm.
2) Announcing or predicting suicide or self-harm.

Adult Nudity & Attire

1) Nudity, including genitals and buttocks.
2) Exposure of female nipples and areolas.
3) Attire implying nudity, covering only sensitive parts of the body such as underwear.
4) However, partial exposure is allowed in specific places where certain attire is required, such as beaches or swimming pools.

Prohibited Acts (Illegal)

Legal Violations

1) Acts that violate applicable local, national, or international laws.

Copyright Infringement

1) Infringing on the intellectual property rights of others.
2) Sharing copyrighted content without the rights holder's permission.

Regulated Goods and Services


1) Games, services, or content that promote illegal gambling.


1) Showing drugs or consuming drug-related, addictive items.
2) Misusing drugs or illegally manufacturing drugs.

Firearms & Dangerous Weapons

1) Inappropriate use of firearms and dangerous weapons in unsuitable situations or locations.
2) However, usage is allowed in licensed locations such as shooting ranges.

Trade Activities


1) Trading items prohibited by country or treated as risky items.
2) Trading or encouraging trade of unauthorized items or services within the SOOP service.
3) Encouraging donations outside the SOOP service.




1) Impersonating SOOP streamers or users.
2) Impersonating SOOP employees.
3) Impersonating celebrities or specific organizations.

Spam, Fraud, and Malicious Behavior

1) Posting spam, such as mass repeating unwanted messages or user reports.
2) Maliciously distributing mass advertisements.
3) Unfair practices or manipulation using methods such as botting, hacking, or obtaining unauthorized benefits.
4) Stealing others' information.
5) Other malicious usage of SOOP.

False Information

1) False content that causes harm to individuals or society, is inaccurate, or has potential for misunderstanding.

Inappropriate Content Labels

1) Not attaching appropriate categories and labels to content.

Dear SOOP Community Members,

Welcome to SOOP! As part of our commitment to fostering a safe, inclusive, and respectful community, we have developed comprehensive Community Guidelines to ensure that every member feels valued and protected while participating in our platform.


Safety and Well-being:

At SOOP, the safety and well-being of our users are our top priorities. We prohibit any form of violence or criminal activity, including acts that could cause harm to individuals, animals, or property. This includes, but is not limited to, physical violence, threats, or the incitement of violence. We also strictly prohibit any speech or actions that promote violence or encourage criminal behavior. Our goal is to create a secure and nurturing environment where everyone can feel safe to express themselves freely.


Hate Speech and Discriminatory Actions:

We are committed to fostering a community that celebrates diversity and inclusivity. Therefore, we do not tolerate any form of hate speech or discriminatory actions. This includes speech or actions that discriminate against individuals based on religion, region, race, gender, age, or social status. We believe in treating every member of our community with dignity and respect, and we expect all users to uphold these principles in their interactions with others.


Harassment and Bullying:

Harassment and bullying have no place in the SOOP community. We do not tolerate any form of harassment, whether it occurs through public broadcasts, online interactions, or any other means. This includes, but is not limited to, targeted harassment, cyberbullying, or the dissemination of harmful or derogatory content. Our community is built on mutual respect and kindness, and we expect all members to treat each other with empathy and understanding.


Youth Protection:

The protection of minors within our community is of utmost importance to us. We strictly prohibit any content or activities that could harm or exploit minors in any way. This includes grooming, sexual exploitation, or the exposure of minors to inappropriate or explicit content. Our goal is to create a safe and nurturing environment where young users can explore and enjoy our platform without fear of harm or exploitation.


Sensitive Content:

Sensitive content, such as violent or sexual material, must be handled with care on our platform. We do not permit any content that contains excessive violence, sexual activities, or explicit imagery. Additionally, any content that promotes suicide or self-harm is strictly prohibited. We aim to create a positive and uplifting environment where all users can feel comfortable and respected.


Authenticity and Trustworthiness:

We value authenticity and trustworthiness in all interactions on our platform. We do not tolerate any form of impersonation, spam, fraud, or malicious behavior. Users are expected to provide accurate information and engage in honest and respectful communication. Our goal is to foster genuine connections and meaningful interactions within our community.


Legal Compliance:

We take copyright infringement and illegal activities seriously at SOOP. Users are not allowed to infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others or engage in activities that violate local, national, or international laws. Our platform operates within the bounds of legal compliance, and we expect all users to adhere to these standards.


By adhering to these Community Guidelines, we can create a safe, welcoming, and vibrant community where every member feels valued, respected, and empowered. We encourage all users to familiarize themselves with these guidelines and to report any violations they may encounter. Together, we can make SOOP a place where everyone can thrive and enjoy the best that live and video streaming has to offer.


Thank you for being a part of the SOOP community!