Unapproved Gifting Methods on SOOP

To maintain a safe and secure environment for all users, we have specific policies regarding the promotion of donation and gifting tools, as well as requesting donations. Below are the guidelines:

1. Promoting Third-Party Donation/Gifting Tools or Software

Q: Can I promote third-party donation or gifting tools/software on SOOP?

A: No, promoting third-party donation or gifting tools or software is not allowed on SOOP. This includes sharing links, advertisements, or recommendations for external platforms or applications designed to collect donations or facilitate gifting.


Why is this not allowed?

Promoting third-party tools or software can lead to security risks, including scams and phishing attempts. To protect our community, we only support approved and secure methods for donations and gifting within our platform.

What should I do if I see someone promoting third-party tools?

If you come across any posts or messages promoting third-party donation or gifting tools, please report them to our monitoring team. This helps us keep the community safe for everyone.

2. Requesting Donations via Personal Bank Accounts or Other Third-Party Payment Methods 

Q: Can I request donations by posting my personal bank account or other payment methods on SOOP?

A: No, requesting donations by posting personal bank accounts or other payment methods is strictly prohibited on SOOP. This includes sharing bank account details, payment app handles, or any other personal payment information.


Why is this not allowed?

Sharing personal payment information poses significant security risks, both to the person requesting donations and to the potential donors. It can lead to fraud, identity theft, and other financial crimes. To ensure the safety of all users, we do not permit such requests.

What should I do if I need financial support?

SOOP has its own secure gifting and support functions for monetized streamers. All members of the SOOP community should utilize these functions instead of third-party tools. These built-in features are designed to be safe and reliable, providing both donors and recipients with a secure environment.

What actions will be taken if someone posts personal payment methods?

Posts or messages containing personal payment information will be removed, and the user may face disciplinary action, including possible account suspension or banning, depending on the severity of the violation.

3. Reporting Violations

How do I report a violation of these policies?

To report a violation, click on the "Report" button associated with the channel or the post. Provide as much detail as possible to help our monitoring team address the issue promptly.

Thank you for helping us maintain a secure and supportive community. If you have any further questions, please reach out to our support team.