We understand the importance of accurate personal information in our records.

If you have identified that your date of birth is inaccurately recorded, we're here to assist you in correcting it. 

Please note the following steps to request a change to your date of birth:


Request Submission:

Please submit your date of birth change request via email to [globalsupport@sooplive.com], with the subject line "Date of Birth Change Request".


Required Information:

 In your email, kindly provide the following information:

  • Your registered email address 
  • Your SOOP channel ID
  • Your correct date of birth
  •  A copy of your identification (e.g., a passport, driver's license, or any government-issued ID) or any additional information that may assist in verifying your identity.


Processing Time:

Our team will review and process your date of birth change request promptly. However, please allow up to 7 business days for verification and implementation.



Upon successful processing of your request, you will receive a confirmation email at the address provided in your request.