What are Gems?
Gems are a special item that helps you support your favorite streamers and interact with them. Show your support to the streamer while ...
What is Subscription?
Subscription is a system that allows you to support and sponsor your favorite streamer.When you subscribe to a streamer, you gain access to ...
What is the SOOP monetization program?
It's a program designed to help monetize your channel through SOOP's streamer support features. If you happen to meet the qualifications for...
Receive Payouts via Bank Transfer
SOOP Affiliate Streamers have the option to receive payouts via bank transfer. The payouts will be transferred in US dollars. Please review ...
Receive Payouts via PayPal
SOOP Affiliate Streamers have the option to receive payouts via PayPal. The payouts will be transferred in US dollars.&nbs...
Payout Following Permanent Suspension
What happens to my revenue if my account is permanently suspended for violating SOOP community guidelines?If your account is permanently sus...
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